Dya’z stuff — Inuvember Day 18: Inukag — Fic rec
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Dya’z stuff — Inuvember Day 18: Inukag — Fic rec


Poor Hojo. He used to be a normal guy but, completely absorbed in his pity over losing Kagome, he’s driving his friends nuts with it! Inuyasha decides that if he wants his friend back, something must be done. Too bad destiny thinks irony is funny. Inuyasha discovers a girl modern world that looks likes just like him. She happens to be a singer struggling with abuse behind the scenes.

Title: kagome, there are 4 people inuyasha always insisted on a date. Dating the dating game Complete Romance Stories of InuyashaKagome | FanFiction.

My hobbies include fanfiction and strategy PC games. I’m a lifelong New England sports fan. I am a passionate writer, mostly for Inuyasha, and have done both long epics and short one-shots. Communities on Livejournal have really helped provide inspiration for the latter. And yes, I am a man. I chose my username way back when in part to make the readers aware of that fact, since most fanfiction writers are female. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, but I also don’t want to be lumped into a group that I don’t belong to.